Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New sister?!

Agent K here with Agent S and Agent Z. Seriously guys, lets just say our name. But then it isn't as cool. Idiots. Shush, we need to discus the matter at hand. Mom is thinking about a new doll! WHAT?!! Saige, if anyone should over react, it should be me, unless it is the GOTY 2014. WHAT?!!! Chill. Jeez. Besides, she can't decide which one she wants. It could be the GOTY or a Historical or a MAG. Who knows. And Mom might get a dog so she might be preoccupied for a bit. Zoe is right. Ok, but if it happens, I am strangling you, Zo. Whatevs. Here are so mug shots of these guys.   
We may get Isabelle, GOTY 2014. She looks sweet and has a killer outfit! Shoes are a bit on the wild side.

 This little MAG looks calm and cheery. Wonder what the new MAG outfit for 2014 will be. . .

 This MAG would be the only one with bangs, granted Lilo used to have bangs. She looks adorable.
This MAG looks sharp and wild. I guess she would be our mischievous one.

Which one is your favorite and which one do you think we should get? Poll will be posted. I think Isabelle would be awesome! Your just saying that because she is athletic! Not my fault you are as graceful as a goose. Girls!!
~ Agent K, Agent S, and Agent Z

Thursday, December 5, 2013