Monday, February 23, 2015

Dance Moms and New Sisters

Ok, so Piper here! Mom finally gave us a hint to who our new sister will be. Her name is going to be either Maddie or Chloe, all because of Dance Moms. So guess who the lucky doll is....

Rebecca Rubin! Yeah, I know. It is so weird to change her name, but Rachel really likes the name Maddie or Chloe instead of Rebecca,

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

ThoseAmazingDollies: Chat1

kRaZyKiT has just entered ThoseAmazingDollies chat room.
SillySaige13 has just entered ThoseAmazingDollies chat room.
ZoZoAmzo has just entered ThoseAmazingDollies chat room.
LoloLilo has just entered ThoseAmazingDollies chat room.

Guys, why don't we just talk about the new sister? She is coming whether we like it or not.

It is forbidden!

Lilo does have a point. 

Saige, chill yourself. Wait, why am I purple? Purple is not my color. 

Chill yourself, ZoZo!

Seriously, why purple!

Guys, we need to focus! Who do you think the new sister is? She has curly, brown hair. That is our only clue.

What about Samantha? Her hair is like wavy curly, you know.

What about #41? Or #55? There is no way of knowing!

What about Rebecca? She has brown hair that is all curly. 

All of these choices seem like they could be our sister. But who?

Seriously, why purple doh?

ZoZoAmzo has left ThoseAmazingDollies.

Well, Zoe is gone now. Ttyl!

LoloLilo has left ThoseAmazingDollies.

I'm tired. Night!

SillySaige13 has left ThoseAmazingDollies.

Really? Fine then. Bye!

I really have dull color. Eh, better than purple doh.

kRaZyKiT has left ThoseAmazingDollies.

New Sister?!

Hey, it is not actually Piper or Rachel. It's Saige. I took over her blog for a little bit because of this good gossip. A new sister. Yes! No joke! Another sister may be coming soon. Her name is undecided, but apparently, Rachel knows what doll she is choosing. She just hasn't revealed it to us yet. All we know is this: she has brown, curly hair. Yeah, giant clue, right!
But I have to go. If I get caught by Piper or Rachel, I might be grounded. See Ya!
- Saige, the best sister! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

We're Back!

Yes, it is true! The four wonderful sisters are back: Saige, Piper, Zoe, and Lilo! Today, it's Piper. Or as you know me better by, Kit. Today, I am going to tell you why we haven't posted a video.

Reason Uno.) Freshman year has been busy for Rachel. She has tons of homework, dance right after school, and a puppy to train, so she has had a lot on her plate.

Reason Two.) She has been working on her stop motions as best as she could. But her computer is being slow and irritating while her tablets are being useless.

Reason Three.) She has been sick since November. Rachel has this reoccurring cough and all that, but she is also tired. This one teacher has been bullying her.

Now, time for a sneak peek since you all have been so patient with us.

All About That Bass AGMV!!!!! Holla!